Add Google Analytics to your pages using Beaver Builder

With Beaver Builder installed, you don’t need additional plugins to get Google Analytics working on your site. Just add the Google Analytics code into the Beaver Builder JavaScript section of the Global Settings dialog box.

You’ll need to head over to your Google Analytics account first and copy the website tracking code for your site. When you paste the code into the global JavaScript box in Beaver Builder, you can take out the opening and closing <script></script. tags and just paste everything else int the box.

google analytics screenshot 01

Navigate to any page on your site, open up the page builder and click on the ‘Tools’ button.

google analytics screenshot 02

Click the ‘Global Settings’ button in the modal that pops up

google analytics screenshot 03

Click on the Javascript tab and paste your Google Analytics tracking code in the box.

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Michael Davis

Chief brainstormer at I'm Not Marvin, a development agency specializing in WordPress Applications. I've been in web development in one form or another since the late 90's. If I can't be reached I'm probably hitting the trail on my mountain bike.

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