Advanced Tabs
Example 1
This is the standard Advanced Tabs module with default settings in horizontal layout view.
Use your American Express card. Every time you buy something, you buy something of value.
Pay with Mastercard. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.
Pay with Stripe. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.
Example 2
In this example, we're using the standard Advanced tab with default styling in Vertical layout view.
Use your American Express card. Every time you buy something, you buy something of value.
Pay with Mastercard. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.
Pay with Stripe. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.
Example 3
Advanced Tabs includes preset styles - this is Style 2 in vertical layout mode with custom colours.
Use your American Express card. Every time you buy something, you buy something of value.
Pay with Mastercard. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.
Pay with Stripe. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.
Example 4
In this example, we've opted for Style 7 which is a minimalist tab and indicator. Using it horizontal mode and with centred content text creates a clean, uncluttered look.
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Example 5
The Advanced Tabs interface for individual tabs is the standard WordPress text editor which allows you to add text and images to your tabs.
Use your American Express card. Every time you buy something, you buy something of value.
Pay with Mastercard. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.
Pay with Stripe. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.
Example 6
Style 6 includes options for styling background colours which can be used to focus attention on the content box.
Use your American Express card. Every time you buy something, you buy something of value.
Pay with Mastercard. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.
Pay with Stripe. Every time you buy something, you buy an item of value.