Posts Carousel
Example 1
In this example, we're displaying all of our posts and limiting them to 3 per row. You can set the number of posts displayed by manipulating the post width. In order to progress to the next slide, you would need to click on the dot indicators.
Example 2
This is a gallery carousel with a hover effect. In this example we've removed the dot indicators and added the left and right arrows.
Example 3
By removing the featured image and adding in the post content, you can created a post preview block. In this example we've opted to make the post column heights equal.
Social Buttons
Example 1 This example shows the default display of all of the social buttons – Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Other than limiting which buttons are displayed there are no other settings to adjust.
Read MorePosts Carousel
Example 1 In this example, we’re displaying all of our posts and limiting them to 3 per row. You can set the number of posts displayed by manipulating the post width. In order to progress to the next slide, you would need to click on the dot indicators. Example 2 This is a gallery carousel with…
Read MoreGallery
Example 1 In ‘Thumbs’ mode, the gallery module will display the thumbnail version of your images. In this example, our thumbnails are set to 150 x 150px in the media library image settings. If you change this to say, 200 x 200px, BB will display that size of image in the gallery module. Example 2 In this…
Read MorePhoto
Example 1 In this example, we’re displaying a simple image file with a link back to this post. Example 2 In this example, we’re displaying the same image but adding lightbox functionality when clicked. Example 3 In this example, we’re displaying a photo along with the image caption. You can choose to show the caption…
Read MoreIcon
Example 1 This example shows a simple icon with right aligned text. Text is controlled through the WordPress editor so you can set it as a heading or paragraph text accordingly Example 2 In this example, we’re using an icon on its own – the icon is coloured white with a blue circular background. Backgrounds…
Read MoreSlideshow
Example 1 In this example were showing cropped images with a ‘Ken Burns’ effect and fade transition. Slide show starts automatically and we’re handing all controls. This is a good solution for full width rows too. Example 2 Here’s we showing the same slide show but with all controls enabled on hover. This slideshow…
Read MoreContact Form
Example 1 This is the default form option with name, email and message fields shown. Example 2 This example would be used to collect names and phone numbers for a support call back form. The form includes name, subject and phone number field and excludes the email field. The button has been styled accordingly. Example…
Read MoreHeading
Example 1 A standard H1 heading module, left aligned. This is an H1 heading Example 2 Using the previous example – in this case, we’ve changed the font to Lato Light and set a custom letter spacing. This is an H1 heading Example 3 In this example we’ve set the headline to 28px, right aligned…
Read MoreMenu
Example 1 This is the default menu module layout showing a simple menu with a 15px font, spaced at 10px between links. Example 2 In this example we’re showing a menu with sub-items, indicated by including a down arrow. Example 3 In this example we’ve taken the same menu and applied a background and…
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