Content Grid
Example 1
This shows a PowerPack content grid with 6 Module Posts, a dotted border, centred text and featured image shown. Post meta and post content has been turned off.
Example 2
One of the more powerful features of PowerPack is the ability to filter posts. Here we are filtering posts by category.
Example 3
This Content Grid restricts the number of posts shown initially to 4 with a pagination module below. Taxonomy overlays in the top right corners show the chosen taxonomy categories for each of your posts.
Example 4
By enabling the content and meta settings you can include these elements within the grid. PowerPack includes a number of pre-defined styles that you can choose from which alters the positions of each of the elements. Here, post date is shown on the left side with the post content indented to the right.

Fancy Heading
Example 1 This is a heading using the color animation. Nature Example 2 This is a heading using the gradient animation. Similar to example 1 except with a gradient instead of a flat color. Nature Example 3 This heading uses the Rotate/Flip Animation option. All of the animations include a time option to set the animation length in…
Example 5
Content Grid also works as a post carousel with powerful options for setting image crops, arrow and carousel dot options.
Example 6
This final example shows a circular cropped featured image and title below with a post filter, centrally aligned. The filter border has been set to only show at the bottom which creates a neat highlight effect for the active filter.